Button is an extension to standard button element with icons and theming.
import { ButtonModule } from 'primeng/button';
Text to display on a button is defined with the label property.
<p-button label="Submit" />
Button can also be used as directive using pButton. In contrary of p-button component, pButton directive does not utilize ripple effect, use pRipple directive to enable ripple.
A button can be rendered as a link as well.
<p-button label="Link" [link]="true" />
<a href="https://angular.dev/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="p-button font-bold">
<a routerLink="/" class="p-button font-bold">
Icon of a button is specified with icon property and position is configured using iconPos attribute.
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" />
<p-button label="Submit" icon="pi pi-check" />
<p-button label="Submit" icon="pi pi-check" iconPos="right" />
Busy state is controlled with the loading property.
icon="pi pi-check"
(onClick)="load()" />
Severity defines the type of button.
<p-button label="Primary" />
<p-button label="Secondary" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Contrast" severity="contrast" />
When disabled is present, the element cannot be edited and focused.
<p-button label="Submit" [disabled]="true" />
Raised buttons display a shadow to indicate elevation.
<p-button label="Primary" [raised]="true" />
<p-button label="Secondary" [raised]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" [raised]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" [raised]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" [raised]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" [raised]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" [raised]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Contrast" [raised]="true" severity="contrast" />
Rounded buttons have a circular border radius.
<p-button label="Primary" [rounded]="true" />
<p-button label="Secondary" [rounded]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" [rounded]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" [rounded]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" [rounded]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" [rounded]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" [rounded]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Contrast" [rounded]="true" severity="contrast" />
Text buttons are displayed as textual elements.
<p-button label="Primary" [text]="true" />
<p-button label="Secondary" [text]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" [text]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" [text]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" [text]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" [text]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" [text]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Plain" [text]="true" [plain]="true" />
Text buttons can be displayed as raised for elevation.
<p-button label="Primary" [text]="true" [raised]="true" />
<p-button label="Secondary" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Plain" [text]="true" [raised]="true" [plain]="true" />
Outlined buttons display a border without a background initially.
<p-button label="Primary" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button label="Secondary" [outlined]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button label="Success" [outlined]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button label="Info" [outlined]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button label="Warning" [outlined]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button label="Help" [outlined]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button label="Danger" [outlined]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button label="Contrast" [outlined]="true" severity="contrast" />
Buttons can have icons without labels.
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bookmark" severity="secondary" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-search" severity="success" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-user" severity="info" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bell" severity="warning" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-heart" severity="help" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-times" severity="danger" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" [rounded]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bookmark" [rounded]="true" severity="secondary" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-search" [rounded]="true" severity="success" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-user" [rounded]="true" severity="info" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bell" [rounded]="true" severity="warning" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-heart" [rounded]="true" severity="help" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-times" [rounded]="true" severity="danger" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" [rounded]="true" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bookmark" [rounded]="true" severity="secondary" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-search" [rounded]="true" severity="success" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-user" [rounded]="true" severity="info" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bell" [rounded]="true" severity="warning" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-heart" [rounded]="true" severity="help" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-times" [rounded]="true" severity="danger" [outlined]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bookmark" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="secondary " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-search" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="success " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-user" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="info " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bell" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="warning " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-heart" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="help " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-times" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" [raised]="true" severity="danger " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bookmark" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="secondary " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-search" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="success " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-user" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="info " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-bell" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="warning " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-heart" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="help " />
<p-button icon="pi pi-times" [rounded]="true" [text]="true" severity="danger " />
Buttons have built-in badge support with badge and badgeClass properties.
<p-button label="Emails" badge="8" />
icon="pi pi-users"
outlined="true" />
Multiple buttons are grouped when wrapped inside an element with ButtonGroup component.
<p-button label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" />
<p-button label="Delete" icon="pi pi-trash" />
<p-button label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" />
Button provides small and large sizes as alternatives to the standard.
<p-button label="Small" icon="pi pi-check" size="small" />
<p-button label="Normal" icon="pi pi-check" />
<p-button label="Large" icon="pi pi-check" size="large" />
Custom content inside a button is defined as children.
<p-button [outlined]="true">
<svg width="35" height="40" viewBox="0 0 33 35" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="block mx-auto">
<path d="M15.1934 0V0V0L0.0391235 5.38288L2.35052 25.3417L15.1934 32.427V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1934 0Z" fill="var(--primary-color)" />
<mask id="mask0_1_36" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="31" height="33">
<path d="M15.1934 0V0V0L0.0391235 5.38288L2.35052 25.3417L15.1934 32.427V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1934 0Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<g mask="url(#mask0_1_36)">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.1935 0V3.5994V3.58318V20.0075V20.0075V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1935 0Z" fill="var(--primary-color)" />
<path d="M19.6399 15.3776L18.1861 15.0547L19.3169 16.6695V21.6755L23.1938 18.4458V12.9554L21.4169 13.6013L19.6399 15.3776Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<path d="M10.5936 15.3776L12.0474 15.0547L10.9166 16.6695V21.6755L7.03966 18.4458V12.9554L8.81661 13.6013L10.5936 15.3776Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
d="M11.3853 16.9726L12.6739 15.0309L13.4793 15.5163H16.7008L17.5061 15.0309L18.7947 16.9726V24.254L17.8283 25.7103L16.7008 26.843H13.4793L12.3518 25.7103L11.3853 24.254V16.9726Z"
<path d="M19.3168 24.7437L21.4168 22.6444V20.5451L19.3168 22.3214V24.7437Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<path d="M10.9166 24.7437L8.81662 22.6444V20.5451L10.9166 22.3214V24.7437Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
d="M13.0167 5.68861L11.7244 8.7568L13.8244 14.8932H14.7936V5.68861H13.0167ZM15.4397 5.68861V14.8932H16.5706L18.5091 8.7568L17.2167 5.68861H15.4397Z"
<path d="M13.8244 14.8932L6.87813 12.3094L5.90888 8.27235L11.8859 8.7568L13.9859 14.8932H13.8244Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<path d="M16.5706 14.8932L23.5169 12.3094L24.4861 8.27235L18.3476 8.7568L16.4091 14.8932H16.5706Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<path d="M18.8321 8.27235L22.2245 7.94938L19.9629 5.68861H17.7013L18.8321 8.27235Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
<path d="M11.4013 8.27235L8.00893 7.94938L10.2705 5.68861H12.5321L11.4013 8.27235Z" fill="var(--primary-color-text)" />
Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit theming page.
Name | Element |
p-button | Button element |
p-button-icon | Icon element |
p-button-label | Label element of the button |
Button component renders a native button element that implicitly includes any passed prop. Text to describe the button is defined with the aria-label prop, if not present label prop is used as the value. If the button is icon only or custom templating is used, it is recommended to use aria-label so that screen readers would be able to read the element properly.
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" aria-label="Submit" />
<p-button icon="pi pi-check" label="Submit" />
<p-button class="youtube p-0" aria-label="Youtube">
<i class="pi pi-youtube px-2"></i>
<span class="px-3">Youtube</span>
Key | Function |
tab | Moves focus to the button. |
enter | Activates the button. |
space | Activates the button. |
API defines helper props, events and others for the PrimeNG Button module.
Button is an extension to standard button element with icons and theming.
Defines the input properties of the component.
Defines emit that determine the behavior of the component based on a given condition or report the actions that the component takes.
Defines the templates used by the component.
Button directive is an extension to button component.
Defines the input properties of the component.