Integration between PrimeNG and Tailwind CSS.
Tailwind CSS is a popular CSS framework based on a utility-first design. The core provides flexible CSS classes with predefined CSS rules to build your own UI elements. For example, instead of an opinionated btn class as in Bootstrap, Tailwind offers primitive classes like bg-blue-500, rounded and p-4 to apply a button.
Tailwind is an outstanding CSS library, however it lacks a true comprehensive UI suite when combined with Vue.js, this is where PrimeNG comes in by providing a wide range of highly accessible and feature rich UI component library. The core of PrimeNG does not depend on Tailwind CSS, instead we provide the necessary integration points such as the primeui tailwind plugin.
The tailwindcss-primeui is an official plugin by PrimeTek to provide first class integration between a Prime UI library like PrimeNG and Tailwind CSS. It is designed to work both in styled and unstyled modes. In styled mode, for instance the semantic colors such as primary and surfaces are provided as Tailwind utilities e.g. bg-primary, text-surface-500, text-muted-color.
If you haven't already done so, start by integrating Tailwind into your project. Detailed steps for this process can be found in the Tailwind documentation. After successfully installing Tailwind, proceed with the installation of the PrimeUI plugin. This single npm package comes with two libraries: the CSS version is compatible with Tailwind v4, while the JS version is designed for Tailwind v3.
npm i tailwindcss-primeui
In the CSS file that contains the tailwindcss import, add the tailwindcss-primeui import as well.
@import "tailwindcss";
@import "tailwindcss-primeui";
Use the plugins option in your Tailwind config file to configure the plugin.
// tailwind.config.js
import PrimeUI from 'tailwindcss-primeui';
export default {
// ...
plugins: [PrimeUI]
The plugin extends the default configuration with a new set of utilities whose values are derived from the PrimeNG theme in use. All variants and breakpoints are supported e.g. dark:sm:hover:bg-primary.
Class | Property |
primary-[50-950] | Primary color palette. |
surface-[0-950] | Surface color palette. |
primary | Default primary color. |
primary-contrast | Default primary contrast color. |
primary-emphasis | Default primary emphasis color. |
border-surface | Default primary emphasis color. |
bg-emphasis | Emphasis background e.g. hovered element. |
bg-highlight | Highlight background. |
bg-highlight-emphasis | Highlight background with emphasis. |
rounded-border | Border radius. |
text-color | Text color with emphasis. |
text-color-emphasis | Default primary emphasis color. |
text-muted-color | Secondary text color. |
text-muted-color-emphasis | Secondary text color with emphasis. |
In styled mode, PrimeNG uses the system as the default darkModeSelector in theme configuration. If you have a dark mode switch in your application, ensure that darkModeSelector is aligned with the Tailwind dark variant for seamless integration. Note that, this particular configuration isn't required if you're utilizing the default system color scheme.
Suppose that, the darkModeSelector is set as my-app-dark in PrimeNG.
theme: {
preset: Aura,
options: {
darkModeSelector: '.my-app-dark'
Add a custom variant for dark with a custom selector.
@import "tailwindcss";
@import "tailwindcss-primeui";
@custom-variant dark (&:where(.my-app-dark, .my-app-dark *)); //dark mode configuration
Use the plugins option in your Tailwind config file to configure the plugin.
// tailwind.config.js
import PrimeUI from 'tailwindcss-primeui';
export default {
darkMode: ['selector', '[class~="my-app-dark"]'], //dark mode configuration
plugins: [PrimeUI]
Tailwind utilities may not be able to override the default styling of components due to css specificity, there are two possible solutions; Import and CSS Layer.
Use the ! as a prefix to enforce the styling. This is not the recommend approach, and should be used as last resort to avoid adding unnecessary style classes to your bundle.
<input pInputText placeholder="Overriden" class="p-8!" />
<input pInputText placeholder="Overriden" class="!p-8" />
CSS Layer provides control over the css specificity so that Tailwind utilities can safely override components.
Ensure primeng layer is after theme and base, but before the other Tailwind layers such as utilities.
theme: {
preset: Aura,
options: {
cssLayer: {
name: 'primeng',
order: 'theme, base, primeng'
No change in the CSS configuration is required.
@import "tailwindcss";
@import "tailwindcss-primeui";
The primeng layer should be between base and utilities.
theme: {
preset: Aura,
options: {
cssLayer: {
name: 'primeng',
order: 'tailwind-base, primeng, tailwind-utilities'
Tailwind v3 does not use native layer so needs to be defined with CSS.
@layer tailwind-base, primeng, tailwind-utilities;
@layer tailwind-base {
@tailwind base;
@layer tailwind-utilities {
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
Example uses cases with PrimeNG and Tailwind CSS.
PrimeNG color palette as utility classes.
Using Tailwind utilities for the responsive layout of a form with PrimeNG components.
<div class="flex flex-col gap-6 w-full sm:w-auto">
<div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center gap-6">
<div class="flex-auto">
<label for="firstname" class="block font-semibold mb-2">Firstname</label>
<input type="text" pInputText id="firstname" class="w-full" />
<div class="flex-auto">
<label for="lastname" class="block font-semibold mb-2">Lastname</label>
<input type="text" pInputText id="lastname" class="w-full" />
<div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center gap-6">
<div class="flex-1">
<label for="date" class="block font-semibold mb-2">Date</label>
<p-datepicker inputId="date" class="w-full" />
<div class="flex-1">
<label for="country" class="block font-semibold mb-2">Country</label>
placeholder="Select a Country"
<ng-template #selectedItem>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2" *ngIf="selectedCountry">
[class]="'flag flag-' + selectedCountry.code.toLowerCase()"
style="width: 18px"
<div>{{ }}</div>
<ng-template let-country #item>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
[class]="'flag flag-' + country.code.toLowerCase()"
style="width: 18px"
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="flex-auto">
<label for="message" class="block font-semibold mb-2">Message</label>
<textarea pTextarea id="message" class="w-full" rows="4"></textarea>
A headless PrimeNG dialog with a custom UI.
<p-button (click)="showDialog()" icon="pi pi-user" label="Login" />
<p-dialog maskStyleClass="backdrop-blur-sm" [(visible)]="visible" styleClass="!border-0 !bg-transparent">
<ng-template #headless>
class="flex flex-col px-8 py-8 gap-6 rounded-2xl"
style="border-radius: 12px; background-image: radial-gradient(circle at left top, var(--p-primary-400), var(--p-primary-700))"
viewBox="0 0 31 33"
class="block mx-auto"
d="M15.1934 0V0V0L0.0391235 5.38288L2.35052 25.3417L15.1934 32.427V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1934 0Z"
<mask id="mask0_1_52" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="31" height="33">
d="M15.1934 0V0V0L0.0391235 5.38288L2.35052 25.3417L15.1934 32.427V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1934 0Z"
<g mask="url(#mask0_1_52)">
d="M15.1935 0V3.5994V3.58318V20.0075V20.0075V32.427V32.427L28.0364 25.3417L30.3478 5.38288L15.1935 0Z"
d="M19.6399 15.3776L18.1861 15.0547L19.3169 16.6695V21.6755L23.1938 18.4458V12.9554L21.4169 13.6013L19.6399 15.3776Z"
d="M10.5936 15.3776L12.0474 15.0547L10.9166 16.6695V21.6755L7.03966 18.4458V12.9554L8.81661 13.6013L10.5936 15.3776Z"
d="M11.3853 16.9726L12.6739 15.0309L13.4793 15.5163H16.7008L17.5061 15.0309L18.7947 16.9726V24.254L17.8283 25.7103L16.7008 26.843H13.4793L12.3518 25.7103L11.3853 24.254V16.9726Z"
d="M19.3168 24.7437L21.4168 22.6444V20.5451L19.3168 22.3214V24.7437Z"
d="M10.9166 24.7437L8.81662 22.6444V20.5451L10.9166 22.3214V24.7437Z"
d="M13.0167 5.68861L11.7244 8.7568L13.8244 14.8932H14.7936V5.68861H13.0167ZM15.4397 5.68861V14.8932H16.5706L18.5091 8.7568L17.2167 5.68861H15.4397Z"
d="M13.8244 14.8932L6.87813 12.3094L5.90888 8.27235L11.8859 8.7568L13.9859 14.8932H13.8244Z"
d="M16.5706 14.8932L23.5169 12.3094L24.4861 8.27235L18.3476 8.7568L16.4091 14.8932H16.5706Z"
d="M18.8321 8.27235L22.2245 7.94938L19.9629 5.68861H17.7013L18.8321 8.27235Z"
d="M11.4013 8.27235L8.00893 7.94938L10.2705 5.68861H12.5321L11.4013 8.27235Z"
<div class="inline-flex flex-col gap-2">
<label for="username" class="text-primary-50 font-semibold">Username</label>
<input pInputText id="username" class="!bg-white/20 !border-0 !p-4 !text-primary-50 w-80" />
<div class="inline-flex flex-col gap-2">
<label for="password" class="text-primary-50 font-semibold">Password</label>
<input pInputText id="password" class="!bg-white/20 !border-0 !p-4 !text-primary-50 w-80" type="password" />
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
styleClass="!p-4 w-full !text-primary-50 !border !border-white/30 hover:!bg-white/10"
styleClass="!p-4 w-full !text-primary-50 !border !border-white/30 hover:!bg-white/10"
The plugin also adds extended animation utilities that can be used with the styleclass and animateonscroll directives.
<p-select [(ngModel)]="animation" [options]="animations" placeholder="Select One" class="w-full sm:w-44" />
<div class="py-8 overflow-hidden">
<div [ngClass]="dynamicAnimationClasses"></div>
In addition to the prebuilt animations, you may also build your own declaratively using the animate-enter and animate-leave along with the opacity, rotate, scale and translate parameters. These animations work perfectly with the AnimateOnScroll directive, visit this directive for various examples.
Class | Property |
animate-enter | animation-name: enter; --p-enter-opacity: initial; --p-enter-scale: initial; --p-enter-rotate: initial; --p-enter-translate-x: initial; --p-enter-translate-y: initial; |
animate-leave | animation-name: leave; --p-leave-opacity: initial; --p-leave-scale: initial; --p-leave-rotate: initial; --p-leave-translate-x: initial; --p-leave-translate-y: initial; |
animate-leave | fadein 0.15s linear |
animate-fadein | fadein 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeout | fadeout 0.15s linear |
animate-slidedown | slidedown 0.45s ease-in-out |
animate-slideup | slideup 0.45s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1) |
animate-scalein | scalein 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinleft | fadeinleft 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutleft | fadeoutleft 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinright | fadeinright 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutright | fadeoutright 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinup | fadeinup 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutup | fadeoutup 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeindown | fadeindown 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutup | fadeoutup 0.15s linear |
animate-width | width 0.15s linear |
animate-flip | flip 0.15s linear |
animate-flipup | flipup 0.15s linear |
animate-flipleft | fadein 0.15s linear |
animate-flipright | flipright 0.15s linear |
animate-zoomin | zoomin 0.15s linear |
animate-zoomindown | zoomindown 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominleft | zoominleft 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominright | zoominright 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominup | zoominup 0.15s linear |
Class | Property |
animate-duration-0 | animation-duration: 0s |
animate-duration-75 | animation-duration: 75ms |
animate-duration-100 | animation-duration: 100ms |
animate-duration-200 | animation-duration: 200ms |
animate-duration-300 | animation-duration: 300ms |
animate-duration-400 | animation-duration: 400ms |
animate-duration-500 | animation-duration: 500ms |
animate-duration-700 | animation-duration: 700ms |
animate-duration-1000 | animation-duration: 1000ms |
animate-duration-2000 | animation-duration: 2000ms |
animate-duration-3000 | animation-duration: 300ms |
animate-duration-[value] | animation-duration: value |
Class | Property |
animate-delay-none | animation-duration: 0s |
animate-delay-75 | animation-delay: 75ms |
animate-delay-100 | animation-delay: 100ms |
animate-delay-150 | animation-delay: 150ms |
animate-delay-200 | animation-delay: 200ms |
animate-delay-300 | animation-delay: 300ms |
animate-delay-400 | animation-delay: 400ms |
animate-delay-500 | animation-delay: 500ms |
animate-delay-700 | animation-delay: 700ms |
animate-delay-1000 | animation-delay: 1000ms |
Class | Property |
animate-infinite | animation-iteration-count: infinite |
animate-once | animation-iteration-count: 1 |
animate-twice | animation-iteration-count: 2 |
Class | Property |
animate-normal | animation-direction: normal |
animate-reverse | animation-direction: reverse |
animate-alternate | animation-direction: alternate |
animate-alternate-reverse | animation-direction: alternate-reverse |
Class | Property |
animate-ease-linear | animation-timing-function: linear |
animate-ease-in | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) |
animate-ease-out | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) |
animate-ease-in-out | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) |
Class | Property |
animate-fill-none | animation-fill-mode: normal |
animate-fill-forwards | animation-fill-mode: forwards |
animate-fill-backwards | animation-fill-mode: backwards |
animate-fill-both | animation-fill-mode: both |
Class | Property |
animate-running | animation-play-state: running |
animate-paused | animation-play-state: paused |
Class | Property |
backface-visible | backface-visibility: visible |
backface-hidden | backface-visibility: hidden |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS opacity e.g. fade-in-50 and fade-out-20. Arbitrary values such as fade-in-[15] are also supported.
Class | Property |
fade-in-{value} | --p-enter-opacity: {value} |
fade-out-{value} | --p-leave-opacity: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS scale e.g. zoom-in-50 and zoom-out-75. Arbitrary values such as zoom-in-[0.8] are also supported.
Class | Property |
zoom-in-{value} | --p-enter-scale: {value} |
zoom-out-{value} | --p-leave-scale: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS rotate e.g. spin-in-45 and spin-out-90. Arbitrary values such as spin-in-[60deg] are also supported.
Class | Property |
spin-in-{value} | --p-enter-rotate: {value} |
spin-out-{value} | --p-leave-rotate: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS translate e.g. slide-in-from-t-50 and slide-out-to-l-8. Arbitrary values such as slide-in-from-b-[8px] are also supported.
Class | Property |
slide-in-from-t-{value} | --p-enter-translate-y: -{value} |
slide-in-from-b-{value} | --p-enter-translate-y: {value} |
slide-in-from-l-{value} | --p-enter-translate-x: -{value} |
slide-in-from-r-{value} | --p-enter-translate-x: {value} |
slide-out-to-t-{value} | --p-leave-translate-y: -{value} |
slide-out-to-b-{value} | --p-leave-translate-y: {value} |
slide-out-to-l-{value} | --p-leave-translate-x: -{value} |
slide-out-to-r-{value} | --p-leave-translate-x: {value} |